Sometimes God's delays are not a denial of our prayers but rather an opportunity for growth and preparation. We all have experienced delays in our lives, whether it's waiting for a job offer, a relationship to work out or an opportunity to come our way. However, it's important to remember that just because something is delayed, it doesn't mean that it's denied.
We often become impatient and frustrated when things don't happen according to our timelines, but we must trust that God has a bigger plan for us. Sometimes, delays are necessary for us to learn important lessons and develop the skills and character traits that will help us handle the blessings that are coming our way.
When we are in the midst of a delay, it's important to stay steadfast in our faith and believe that God is orchestrating everything for our good. We must also remember that God's timing is always perfect and He knows what we need and when we need it.
So, if you're experiencing a delay in your life right now, don't lose hope. Trust that God is right on time and that He has a plan for your life. Although Mary and Martha thought that Jesus had delayed his return to them after sending him an SOS message, He was right on time to resurrect Lazarus their brother. His " delay" had a purpose - to teach them something.
You also must know that every delay is an opportunity for you to grow, learn and become the best version of yourself. Remember, your delay is not a denial, it's just a preparation for what's to come.
Keep your faith strong, and you'll see that God is right on time.
In this video, I talk about the reason why God comes in His own time - watch here below
Please join us:
· Every morning for prayers on Zoom - 5.00 am -7.00 am ( UK time)
Zoom meeting ID: 898 495 3774 Passcode: HOPE
· Wednesdays 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm on Zoom and on premises
· Fridays 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm on Zoom and on premises.
· Sundays 11.00 on premises and online.
God bless you.