How you can donate
and help OUR Church
Shiloh Tabernacle operates and depends on donations by our members and partners.
We are therefore always appreciative for your continuous giving, sacrifice and ongoing support for our services and projects.
We could not fulfil our God-given vision without you generously offering your time, talents and treasures. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it.
On Sundays and other services or events, we provide envelopes which you can use to give cash, cheques or your credit/debit card details. You could also make one-off or regular donations using one of the methods here below.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please kindly tick the box on the envelope that says you want Gift Aid to be claimed by Shiloh Tabernacle on all your donations or better still you can submit your Gift Aid form here.
Set up a direct transfer through your personal online banking. You will have to log into your online bank account so you can set up a new one-off donation, a regular Direct Debit or Standing Order.
The payee name should be:
Sort code is 08-71-99
Account number is 11159512
*VERY IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you specify your FULL NAME as your Payee Reference when setting up an online bank transfer so we can know who has made the donation.
Thank you so much for your generous giving, which we will now use to advance God's kingdom within and without this local church.
Please kindly complete this short form so our accounts department may be notified about your donation: DONATION FORM
God richly bless you
You can also scan the QR code below to donate by Paypal
Donate by card or PayPal - click button below
ways you can GIVe:
In Person
During our services and events
Here at our website